
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Atlantic City Resident Arrested After Assault of Female in the Area of Pitney Park

On Sunday, October 20, 2013 at 4:03 p.m. patrol units were dispatched to Pitney Rd. in the area of Pitney Park for report of a male assaulting a female in a vehicle. 

The female driver had attempted to pull over and ask for help from bystanders at the baseball fields when the male attempted to flee with the vehicle. 

The female reentered the vehicle and the assault continued while they traveled into Galloway Township. Patrol units stopped the vehicle in Galloway and the male, twenty-two year old Joshua Santiago of Atlantic City, was taken into custody for the assault. 

The female victim suffered minor injuries but refused medical treatment.

Santiago was also found to be in possession of marijuana. He was charged with possession of marijuana under fifty grams, failure to surrender controlled dangers substances to law enforcement officers, and simple assault. 

Santiago was transported and lodged into the Atlantic County Jail on $2,500.00 bail.


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