
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Galloway Police Break Up Large College Party on Leeds Point Road; Summons Issued for Noise Violation

Galloway Township Police responded to a Noise complaint on Saturday, September 7, 2013 at 12:22am. Police responded after a 9-1-1 call was made regarding a large party in progress.  Upon arrival, a Code 3 was issued as Police discovered over 200 people attending a party at 137 Leeds Point Road with cars parked in the front yard of the residence. 

According to the Police Report and CAD Narratives, Stockton Police were also called to the scene as the attendees of the party were Richard Stockton College students. Galloway Township Police documented that the Stockton Shuttle was requested in order to transport the students back to the college. 

Officer Carolyn Buckley stated in her police report, "I could hear shouting from the residence and general noise from voices and music. Many voices were telling others to be quiet, obviously aware that the police were at the residence. The residents were not initially cooperative in allowing officers to break up the party. Once all the guest were told to exit the house, it appeared there were approximately 200 people at the party."

According to the report, the same property and residents received a warning for noise only days early. Additional patrols were called to the scene in order to handle the large crowd who were wandering the streets waiting for rides after the party was broken up. 

Summons were issued to Julian Vincente, Daniel Adams, Jerard DeFazio and Stephen Alt with a court date of September 19, 2013. Each Summons was for a violation of Township Noise Ordinance 253-8 General Noise Prohibition where "no person shall make, continue or cause to permit to be made or continued unnecessary noise." 

The penalty upon conviction could be a fine not more than $1,000, imprisonment of not more than 90 days or a period of community service for not more than 90 days. Each violation constitutes a separate offense. 

Captain Chris Doyle, Operations Commander for the Galloway Township Police Department felt the penalties listed in the Ordinance were fine and that the officers act within their rights under the law if a criminal act occurs. 

"We respond to both Stockton and Non-Stockton related parties throughout the year. We understand that some students live off campus and have parties" Doyle said. "These types of calls increase during the time when Stockton is in session.  We work with Stockton to limit problems, or potential problems, with these type of calls" Doyle further stated. 

Galloway resident Dan Carew stated at the last council meeting that the Township should consider adopting a "animal house" ordinance that is aimed specially at holding the landlords accountable for this type of activity. 

Mayor Don Purdy requested Township Manager Arch Liston to research the Ewing Ordinance presented by Carew to see if Galloway can adopt the same ordinance. 

Liston stated he will research and have something prepared by the next council meeting. 


Anonymous said...

This is a normal occurrence through out the Township. The Landlords should be held responsible, especially if they don't have the proper permits to allow that many people in a house. 200 people is excessive.

Anonymous said...

A loud college party was broken up by the Galloway Police and you write about it as if it were the Watergate break-in. I just read how Galloway is spending way too much money and time trying to keep up with all of these OPRA requests and this is an example of how silly this has all become. You are part of the problem! Stop with all these silly requests. There was no need for it in most of your "stories", especially this one. You could've gotten the same information from a police scanner. Its September. That means new students and lots of parties. They get loud. Cops get called. Its not worth more than a paragraph or two. Stop wasting our money and get over yourself. You want to be taken seriously as a legitimate newspaper - start acting like one. This is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Purdy your up early, you forgot to sign your name. Attacking the publisher again just for writing a story about Galloway. Don't forget Purdy is the one in 2011 slamming his fist on the table like a kid kicking and screaming about OPRA requests. Now OPRA just may sink his boat. You guys are the problem not this site and not the publisher.

Anonymous said...

Such a large party, significant police presence and the press and patch don't report it. Oh maybe no press release where that's all they report. Thanks to this site we get the real news. Good reporting!

Anonymous said...

Let's see, Purdy has a contract with Stockton sooooooo we'll see how fast he moves on complaining to the president of Stockton ( his buddy) for the citizens of Galloway. Oh ya Stockton is such an asset to Galloway too!!!

Anonymous said...

I saw this as a very infomative piece. Citing the Ordinance and the ramifications if violated not only educates our residents that there are remedies to situations such as this, but also educates students wanting to host future functions that they can be held accountable. Seems like the township is involved to possibly hold landlords accountable. Maybe I'm missing something. Heck, 200 people...they should have charged $5 a head and rented a local hall to help out the local economy. Very responsible thing to do getting the Shuttle involved in keeping our residents and future leaders safe.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever been to college or between the ages of 18 and 21? It was a party and yeah 200 people is a lot but there are bigger things to worry about in Galloway.

Anonymous said...

You makes no sense. You think its okay for 6 cops to show up at party at 1:00am with over 200 college students in one small house with most likely under-age drinking occurring where each cop on average would have to handle at least 33 people a piece? Get a life. 2 of the 4 issued violations were not even 21. These are kids, not adults having a back yard BBQ. Your right, Galloway has things to worry about and these types of parties are a nuisance. You must be a land lord to one of these frat houses.

Anonymous said...

An excellent piece of reporting. As a former police officer I can tell you how easily an uncontrolled party like this can get ugly and out if hand. Drink - youngsters - large numbers- recipe for disaster. Only an irresponsible fool would even attempt to condone this activity and sneer at the appropriate police response.

Anonymous said...

This is a great piece. A detour from the articles we have read on here before, this is a breath of fresh air of good, clean journalistic reporting. Thank you for this piece.

Anonymous said...

I also read the article in the Press about this website and Lisa Tilton filing OPRA Requests and at first reading it I thought this girl has to much time on her hands and just wants to start trouble. But seeing this report here and the documents she got from OPRA, I'm all for her OPRA whatever she wants if it gets the story out. Why isn't the Press showing the benefits of OPRA instead of attacking the people who use it to tell a story. This is an excellent piece written with all the facts. Press of Atlantic City needs to find real reporters and report on things that matter.

Anonymous said...

Good job Lisa. Another great reporting piece.

Anonymous said...

You all missed my point. Yes, the article was informative. Yes, the party was big and possibly out of hand. Yes, its illegal for those under 21 to drink. But nowhere did I "condone" the behavior or "sneer at the appropriate police response." My issue with this so-called article is that I dont think all the OPRA requests are necessary. Can someone explain to me why the story as written wasn't good enough? Why the scan of the OPRA stuff? We all know the law and since everyone on here seems to be a cop or an ex-cop or knows someone who is a cop, those of us who dont know the law are sure to be schooled in it. You love to "report" about the nonsense in Galloway. Well some of the nonsense happens to be all the time and money that is being used to keep up with all of these requests. In this case, it just wasn't necessary. Just report the facts which, by the way, could've been easily obtained from a police scanner or from the PD themselves. Its wasteful and redundant. And no, this isnt Purdy. I'm sure he has other things to do. I'm a Galloway resident who is also disgusted with many of the things that have been going on but I know waste when I see it and that's what this is. These "comments" seem to all be written by either the same person or just a bunch of "the publisher's" friends. This is not, people. This is supposed to be an attempt at a serious, legitimate newspaper. For the most part, she does a decent job but a lot of the articles are just fishing expeditions. How about some real journalism here?

Anonymous said...

Yea, The landlords should be responsible. They can sit at their house all the time to prevent trouble. Oh wait. That's not feasible. How about not rent to the students? Oh wait, that's illegal. Hmm, What to do?? Got any more bright ideas??

Anonymous said...

So your upset because the story has documents embedded in the story yet I'm sure she obtained the documents from the police for the story. I would rather have a story based on the factual documents than a story that is half baked on swayed comments and radio transmissions that unless your law enforcement or pay thousands of dollars for a scanner to hear the police channel for Galloway, you can't get it. Maybe if you have an extra scanner you can donate it just in the Publisher doesn't have one. Your comment is based in fantasy land. I also would like to know what article is a fishing expedition. Maybe you can point that out too.

Anonymous said...

Well written and precise. I would know, I live near the party house. To those of you that say, "loud college party, big deal" please post your address so that I can get a frat house in your neighborhood.
To the slum landlords who happen to be local bussinessmen and lawyers, your days of frat houses are quickly coming to an end with the soon to be adopted "Animal House " ordinance.
To those of you that say Lisa Tilton is wasting taxpayer dollars, I say OPRA request away Young lady ! Somebody's got to keep an eye on what's going on in the Township! It's going to hell in a hurry.
Thank you Galloway Twp News for bring this to light. Keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

Lisa Tilton for mayor, I'm in.!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone thinks this is no big deal because most people don't live next door to one of these rental houses, but when you do, it becomes a huge problem having to deal with the noise, ignorance, and outright disrespect. The township does have to deal with the issue because it is a growing problem and there needs to be ramifications to the renters.

Anonymous said...

Who said its no big deal? Source please.

Anonymous said...

This happened a week ago and this is the first I'm seeing it anywhere. Thanks for reporting it.

Anonymous said...

There is a rental unit at the corner of Moss Mill Road and Old Port Road, a house, that sits alone, though next to a public walking path that connects Moss Mill Road to the Four Seasons Development at Pitney and Moss Mill. This house is also occupied by a number of Stockton students who have numerous parties. Cars park all over the corner, and on the mornings after these parties, the entire corner is littered with red solo cups and beer bottles. Evidence that individuals have driven down the walking path on the closed section of Old Port has been found. In recent weeks, township road crews have had to replace the wooden barrier and "road closed" sign, that was removed by people attending parties at the residence. Loud music is often heard coming from this home, and students who live there have been seen sitting on the roof drinking alcohol. Last year, evidence of "hazing" was found along the walking path, places where it was clear that illegal campfires had been built, empty alcohol bottles, and duct tape attached to tree trunks as if someone had been restrained in some type of ritual hazing. Thursday night seems to be a favorite time for parties at this house. There was one this past Thursday night, the corner is still littered with solo cups and empty alcohol containers. The situation in this house, needs to be looked into by GTPD and Stockton PD.

Anonymous said...

This is a college in a small town...they have had parties since I can remember and yes its a bitch to live near a college rented house I get that too but the same houses that are being rented to Stockton College students are the same ones that have been rented for the last 25years that I know of... make an ordinance and move forward! They were smart they used the shuttle for transportation mostly...remember the school also bought Seaview C.C and some of the students are living there-my son included! This has been old news forever didn't any of you go to college? BTW my son has a scholarship and 21 so hopefully he is going to the 19th Hole! My generation was Louie's bar now that place was college party central! Love the news...LOL!

Anonymous said...

College parties happen everyone but not always reported on when they get out of hand. Glad to see it brought to light so others can see that Galloway Police will issue violations for it.

Anonymous said...

Just because it is well written doesn't mean that it is news worthy. I'm sorry but the time and effort it took to write this could have gone towards writing about situations with some meaning and depth. Large college parties and under age drinking are hardly earth shattering revelations. They break laws and they make neighbors angry, write a paragraph about it and move on. And to those who enjoyed the "information" in the article you must be the types of people who call the police for every little thing that you see. I'm rolling my eyes at all the high and mighties.

Anonymous said...

no one drank and drive.. its kids trying to have fun in college.. who cares. go catch a druggy or a thief cars are getting broken into daily in the stockton parking lot. try taking care of actual problems instead of making them. and to write 4 tickets? wow. one would usually be sufficient enough. they are students and im sure it is hard enough to eat let alone pay that much in tickets. stop picking on victimless crimes and do real ones. but they will never publish how cameras, iphones and gps are stolen from parking lots on campus daily basis but will do one about a party..BOREDOM AT ITS FINEST.. no need to roll deep to a college party no one has weapons or is looking for trouble..

Anonymous said...

Last two posts seem as if they were attendees to this party the PD broke up. Many things can happen at of after these parties. Your posts are typical immature responses that haven't learned the basics of reality. The most important part is the word KID. You are not adults mature enough to understand the consequences.

Anonymous said...

From what I understand/have become informed of, this was not a harmless party. Neighbors reported damage to their lawns and enough red solo cups and beer cans on THEIR property to fill a dumpster. Glad that I don't live near this & don't have to experience it first hand. Something is not "harmless" when other peoples' property is damaged or treated with dis-respect. When I attended parties in college, we didn't treat the whole neighborhood as a county fair ground...

Anonymous said...

It's ludicrous; how can you hold the landlord responsible?

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