Lenox China - Tilton Road |
Once again Galloway Township Residents are left in the dark when the Republican Majority Council lead by Mayor Don Purdy, hired the Lawfirm of Capehart Scatchard based out of Trenton to be the Township's Redevelopment Counsel by a 5-2 vote in favor of the appointment.
Following a closed session discussion on September 24, 2013, council reconvened into public session in order to vote on the appointment of a Special Counsel for Redevelopment. However, controversy immediately spurred when Councilman Jim Gorman requested a discussion and vote on a proposal submitted by Maley & Associates.
Gorman's request was denied and Deputy Mayor Tony Coppola immediately motioned for Capehart Scatchard without allowing the rest of Council to discuss the matter. Gorman and McElwee, both Democrats voted no. The vote passed with a majority of Republican votes and the contract awarded is not to exceed $10,000, according to the resolution.
One proposal was first submitted on September 20, 2013 and provided to Council in their packets the week prior to the council meeting. That proposal was submitted by Maley & Associates from Collingswood, New Jersey.
The award of the contract to Capehart Scatchard was made without competitive bids. The Township instead requested certain law firms to submit a proposal for the required services (RFP).
Capehart Scatchard submitted a proposal the same day of the Council meeting on the 24th. "I received my Council package on Friday Sept. 20th and did my research on Maley & Associates as they were the only Law firm that submitted. I was prepared to discuss with council Tuesday night the appointment. I was sent an e-mail at 2:47 PM with another proposal, that day of the Council Meeting which I never had a chance to open. I don't finish my job until 5 PM" Councilman Jim McElwee said.
"My first thought was to move to table the vote until we had enough time to study the late arriving RFP. But since we are a 5/2 minority, I decided that would be an exercise in futility and instead voted "NO" on the appointment of Capehart Scatchard" McElwee stated.
"I have since learned that Maley & Associates representative James Maley sat down with Arch Liston and Mayor Don Purdy for an interview and was told that he would be approved, but someone on council decided to go with a firm owned by an influential Republican donor to Governor Christie's Campaign" McElwee stated.
According to the Wall Street Journal, "Capehart Scatchard, made a $25,000 donation to the Republican Governors Association in May, according to the association's tax form contributions list. As a firm with significant state business, Capehart Scatchard is prohibited from giving New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie more than $300 in campaign contributions."
Mayor Don Purdy announced at a previous Council meeting that he has been is contact with a Developer who is potentially interested in the old Lenox China Building on Tilton Road. Lenox China has remained vacant for some time now with no interest from developers.
GallowayTwpNews.com requested documents regarding this potential developer, including emails from Mayor Don Purdy and the potential developer. Township Clerk TC Kay never responded if documents didn't exist, but what was released was even more interesting. Councilman Jim McElwee requested from Township Manager Arch Liston the name of the developer that Mayor Don Purdy has been speaking with. Liston responded to McElwee by stating, "the developer wishes that I don't disclose any information at this time."
McElwee, who is a member of the Council Economic Development committee stated, "Purdy is on the Committee but I have not been invited to any discussions with any developer concerning the Lenox property. When I asked Township Manager Arch Liston who the Developer was I was told that the developer doesn't wish to divulge any information at this time. I was also told that they reached out to Mayor Don Purdy personally. Arch would not divulge the name of the developer because it was told to him in confidence."
"When it comes to Economic Development and the statement made by Mayor Don Purdy that Tax Abatements and such will be given to potential developers, I would think all members of Council should know who these Developers are before personal promises are made that a future Council will have to fulfill", McElwee stated. "I am for economic development, rebuilding and revitalizing Galloway with Commercial development, but lets shine the light on transparency and not keep these discussions behind closed doors."
GallowayTwpNews.com Publisher visited the Lenox China site to see if any changes or improvements have been made to the site. In the picture above, the front lawn portion appeared mowed, but the remaining portion of the site remains overgrown with weeds, boarded up and unkept.
GallowayTwpNews.com has obtained through an Open Public Records Request a copy of Redevelopment Proposals.