
Monday, January 13, 2014

Gas Leak Caused Small Explosion Inside Galloway Residence on Mattix Run

Photo Courtesy of Galloway Now
Daniel Crum at 285 Mattix Run reported an explosion from under his kitchen sink. Nothing caught fire, no damage was reported and no injury was reported. 

Ultimately, South Jersey Gas responded to investigate and located a leak under the roadway in front of 285.  

Natural gas had leaked and saturated the ground and seeped through the wall/foundation of 285 Mattix into a bathroom and under the kitchen sink–both at the front of the house. Activating the garbage disposal ignited fumes causing the small explosion.  

Units 285 through 287 were evacuated due to high gas readings in the homes. Surrounding units were also checked however, gas levels were below a dangerous level, if present at all.  

Galloway Police, Galloway Public works, Atlantic City Electric, Bayview 26-4 Fire Company, and Galloway EMS were present while South Jersey Gas made repairs. 

A portion of Mattix Run was temporarily closed as repairs were made. 


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