TRENTON – The Department of Law & Public Safety today
released the 2012 Uniform Crime Report (UCR), which shows that the overall
crime rate and violent crime dropped four percent compared to 2011.
Robberies decreased six percent from
12,128 to 11,382, and aggravated assaults decreased four percent from 13,489 to
12,938. While overall the news is positive, the murder rate edged up
slightly, from 375 reported incidents to 387, and rape increased from 917 to
“While the latest crime data shows a
decrease in the overall crime rate in New Jersey, there is still considerable
room for improvement.” said Acting Attorney General Hoffman. “Reducing
the number of shootings and murders in our urban areas continues to be a
priority for the Attorney General’s Office and the New Jersey State
Police. The State Police will continue to support our cities in reducing
senseless shootings and murders.”
The annual UCR, prepared by the State
Police Uniform Crime Reporting Unit, measures offenses committed during the
period spanning from January 1, 2012, through December 31, 2012.
report contains data on the rate of reported Index Crimes – offenses which fall
into seven crime categories, including the four violent index crimes of murder,
rape, robbery and aggravated assault, and three nonviolent index crimes of
burglary, larceny and motor vehicle theft.
The UCR also contains separate
statistical reports on bias crimes, carjacking and domestic violence.
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