
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Police Misconduct, Aggravated Assault and Battery Alleged in Tort Claim Filed Against Galloway Police Department and Officer

Galloway Township and the Galloway Township Police Department have been served with a Tort Claim Notice alleging violation of civil rights, police misconduct, aggravated assault and battery. 
The Tort Claim was filed on October 28, 2013. The claim is asserted against Officer Robert Bauer and the Galloway Township Police Department.  According to the claim, the claimant in the matter is Joeanne L. Scott of 634 South First Avenue. The Attorney representing Scott is Linda Campbell, Esq. from Kearney and Associates, PC from Haddon Heights. 

The Tort Claim Notice alleges, "The claim is predicated as a result of police misconduct, violation of Federal civil rights, State protected rights, assault, battery, personal injury and negligence that took place on July 19, 2013 occurring at 634 South First Ave., Galloway NJ 08205. At the time and place aforementioned Officer R. Bauer grabbed plaintiff threw her down and handcuffed her and took her to a hospital."  

The Tort Claim Notice also alleges, "the officer had no justification for such action and as a result of the officers action, the plaintiff suffered, a torn rotator cuff injury to her shoulder, nerve damage, cuts and bruises. The plaintiff suffered emotional distress as a result of this attack."

Damages in this matter are expected to be in excess of $5,000 in view of the severe multiple injuries sustained to claimant, according to the Notice.

The notice alleges that the aforesaid individuals and entities engaged in careless and reckless conduct with wanton disregard. The notice also alleges Officer Bauer is guilty of violation of civil rights, police misconduct, aggravated assault and battery. 

A Tort Claim is a Notice of Potential Claims and/or Damages against the public agency. A notice is served with the intent of initiating litigation against the entity served.

Galloway Township News obtained the Tort Claim through an Open Public Records Request with the Township. 


Anonymous said...

Wow. No way.

Anonymous said...

There was a time when this sort of conduct happened with some regularity and included a drunken police chief tooling around town in his Aries K car and a child-molesting detective. And let's not forget the money from the plane crash on the Pike back in the early 80s. How about a SWAT team that couldn't even find a body lying in the middle of the floor in Kennedy's? Or maybe it's just better to hire a killer to patrol your town at night. Next time someone drives into a ditch, the three cops who respond should keep on yakking and ignore the traffic jam and the cars crossing the center line. Not to say that you don't have decent cops in this town, cause you do. The problem is that the code of silence is mighty powerful.

Anonymous said...

That's suggesting that this clam is true. Remember the background of the folks filing torts like this. My uncle is retired from NYC. He says you can do everything right your whole career and still will get sued at least once. So alledged is a good word to use its doubtful this is 100% accurate. That's just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Sooooooo why was this person being arrested? I'm sure there is more to this story. I know the officer in question. Not well but I know him. I think he is a really nice guy. Hopefully, people will reserve judgement until all the facts are known.

Anonymous said...

There are good & bad people in this community - Sad but true... Some think they are above the law & can do what ever they want . Go's back to good cop - bad cop............. some serve & protect --- some abuse their power.---- just saying

Anonymous said...

Guess they can't blame this lawsuit on the Mayor. He already has had four against him.

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