
Thursday, February 21, 2013

UPDATED: Galloway Advertises Request for Quotations on Website Redesign after Launches Municipal Documents Service

Galloway Township posted on their Official Website an advertisement requesting Quotations for a Website Redesign. Mayor Don Purdy stated he made the request to Township Manager Arch Liston to look at a redesign possibility after this Publisher was able to post Galloway Township's Municipal Documents on, owned and operated by former Clerk Lisa Tilton.

According to Purdy, Galloway Township has been trying for a couple of years to modernize their Official Website. "The Township's website is outdated. We need to Modernize our Website so residents can access Township documents from their home computer or even their cell phones, including smart phones. Minutes and Township Code should be easily accessible to everyone, anytime and we are going to make that happen" Purdy stated. 

Purdy also stated he has requested the Township Manager to look at all options including a possible inter-local agreement with other County or Local Municipal Governments that have the staff for web design already. This is the first step is an already lingering issue the Township has faced. 

The Township's RFQ has an amount not to exceed $10,000. Purdy stated, "It's an amount not to exceed, but we are open to all options in order to save costs and still provide this service to the Public."

Councilman Jim McElwee stated, "a lot of questions still need to be answered as there is possibly a cheaper way to go about this in order to still get the information out to the Public." McElwee has continued to advocate for Open Government and Transparency and still believes this service can be provided. "This just needs to be investigated before spending this amount of money." McElwee said.

Councilman Jim Gorman stated he was unaware this advertisement went out. "We could spend a lot less and have an employee trained to do this. We could also reach out to the schools as they have good websites" Gorman said. which is privately owned former clerk Lisa Tilton, began posting the Township's Minutes, Salaries of Employees, Collective Bargaining Agreements, Municipal Budgets and other Financial Documents which according to Purdy, sparked his request in redeveloping the Township's own website once and for all. "If someone from the Public is able to provide this service with little effort, than so can the Township" Purdy stated. has undoubtedly submitted varies OPRA Requests for Township Documents. Majority of the documents that have been requested appear either in articles or have been made accessible to the general public and residents of Galloway Township. 

The Township is expected to review all options and continue discussions in the redesign their official Township's Website. 

Requests for comment was sent to all members of Council and the Township of Manager. will update the story if other comments become available.


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