
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Warning Issued on Dangerous Batch of Heroin Released in Atlantic County

ATLANTIC COUNTY – The Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office is alerting the public to a particularly dangerous batch of heroin that may be responsible for as many as five (5) heroin overdoses in Atlantic County today, Atlantic County Prosecutor Jim McClain announced.
The bags containing the heroin believed to have caused the overdoses are stamped in purple lettering:
“1 Stop”
Heroin bags with the above stamp are linked to several of the overdose cases, including one that resulted in death, although determination with certainty of the cause of death is pending toxicological analysis. The other victims survived.

The overdoses occurred in different municipalities within the County: in Atlantic City and at mainland locations. This alert is directed to all citizens of Atlantic County.
Those who see someone who appears to be in medical distress should call 9-1-1.
Prosecutor McClain reminds the public that New Jersey’s Overdose Prevention Act ensures that those who seek help for themselves or others experiencing an overdose is immune from arrest, charges, prosecution, or conviction “for obtaining, possessing, using, being under the influence of, or failing to make lawful disposition of,” drugs.
The purpose of this alert is to save lives.

Anyone with information that may help the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office locate the source of this heroin and prevent further overdose victims are asked to contact us at 609-909-7666.


Anonymous said...

what the prosecutor has to do is find out who selling it cut out the middleman and find the source who supplying the heroine .then you can stop it from coming into the countrythat's if the county really really loves usthen do something about it

Anonymous said...

Sounds easy go ahead hero .

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