
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Galloway Township Closed Post Office Located at the Municipal Complex

The Post Office once located at the Municipal Complex is now closed. Duct tape and a black bag covers the sign that originally identified the Post Office location. Council debated for several years as to whether the Post Office should be closed as reported in Galloway Patch, due to the reduction in revenue and increase in expenses. The Township could no longer afford to expend money in what once was a beneficial service to the community.

A campaign "Use it or Lose it"as reported in Galloway Patch, launched by citizens of Galloway Township, still wasn't enough to keep the post office open. Employees who worked in the post office were laid off with the exception of the Postmaster. Personnel documents released by the Township through an OPRA request, indicate the Postmaster Pam Conover transferred to the Administrative Offices within the Township. A specific department was not listed on the Personnel Action Form.

Other Post Offices are still located throughout Galloway Township. 

According to the US Postal Services, the following locations are still open:

Pomona Shopping Center
269 W. White Horse Pike
Pomona, NJ 

Cologne Post Office
807 W. White Horse Pike
Cologne, NJ

Oceanville Post Office
174 S. New York Road
Oceanville, NJ


Anonymous said...

It is "duct" tape, not "duck" tape (unless you know that the company that produced said duct tape was, in fact, called Duck), you uneducated heathen.

Publisher said...

Duct tape, or duck tape, is cloth- or scrim-backed pressure sensitive tape often coated with polyethylene.

It is synonymous and can be referred to in either form.

Thanks for your comment Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

As soon as I can I am leaving the State. Piss away all this money on other things. No trash pick up now the post office is closed. No incubents will ever get my vote.

Anonymous said...

Since simply quoting Wikipedia seems to be an acceptable form of rebuttal on this site, allow me to post this:

"In 1975, Kahl rebranded the duct tape made by his company. Because the previously used generic term "duck tape" had fallen out of use, he was able to trademark the brand "Duck Tape" and market his product complete with a yellow cartoon duck logo."

The silver tape pictured is duct tape. There had previously been cotton strips referred to as duck tape but they most certainly were not the silver tape designed for ducts. Since these cotton strips were no longer produced, Kahl decided to call his companies version of duct tape, Duck Tape. It is a brand, nothing more. The misuse has become so widespread that it is now an accepted norm but that doesn't make it correct.

I'm glad I could enlighten you.

Publisher said...

Anytime I can roll out of bed and someone enlightens's a good day. Appreciate your passion for duct tape. Changes are made for you.

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