
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Galloway Township Police Department Acquires Permanent Prescription Drop Box

Today, Join Together Atlantic County (JTAC) awarded the Galloway Township Police Department with an American Medicine Chest Challenge (AMCC) permanent prescription drop box for the disposal of unused, unwanted, and expired medications. 

The box is located inside the Galloway Township Police Department at 300 East Jim Leeds Road, Galloway Township. It will be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Residents may contact the police department at (609)652-3705 or visit our website at  for additional information.
Galloway Township Chief of Police Donna Higbee along with Join Together Atlantic County’s Brian Wilson, have worked diligently to provide this much needed service to the community. 

Chief Higbee believes this is an imperative part of removing unwanted prescription drugs from the hands of juveniles and the beginning stage of assisting adults in taking responsibility for removing these same dangerous drugs from their homes if they are not being used accordingly. We have a real epidemic in this country when it comes to illegal drug use and misuse. 

It is our responsibility to provide every resource available to ensure the safety and healthy lifestyles of our youth and adults alike. 

Permanent drop boxes and the awareness campaigns surrounding them are an important part of reducing the abuse of prescription medication.  2 in 5 teenagers believe prescription drugs are “much safer” than illegal drugs.  Every day in the U.S. 2,500 youths take a prescription pain reliever for the purpose of getting high for the first time.  

Cleaning out medicine cabinets will reduce the number of prescriptions available for abuse.   

The prescription drop box was purchased by JTAC, a substance abuse prevention coalition through the Partnership for a Drug Free NJ. The coalition is funded by a DFC (Drug Free Communities) grant from the ONDCP (Office of National Drug Control Policy) and SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration).  For more information about JTAC please visit or call 609-272-0100. 

The AMCC challenges families to take the Five-Step American Medicine Chest Challenge:

• Take inventory of your prescription and over-the-counter medicine. 
• Secure your medicine chest. 
• Dispose of your unused, unwanted, and expired medicine in your home or at an American Medicine Chest Challenge Disposal site. 
• Take your medicine(s) exactly as prescribed. 
• Talk to your children about the dangers of prescription drug abuse. 

For more information, visit or call 609-909-7214. 


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