Galloway Democratic President Blames Poor Voter Turnout for Election Loss; Outspends Opponents
Michael Suleiman
An open letter by Democratic President Michael Suleiman has been released on the Galloway-Port Republic Democrat Club Website. Suleiman describes the democrats loss of the General Election to poor voter turnout and an Independent candidate that siphoned 300 votes. According to unofficial elections results, democrat incumbent Jim Gorman did not have enough votes to hold onto his Council seat. The open letter as placed on the Democrats website is below. Dear friends,
Well, the election results weren't what we expected. The lack of enthusiasm for and coattails from the Assembly race coupled with an Independent candidate siphoning off nearly 300 votes led to heartbreaking and close losses for the GPS team.
Despite the disappointing results, I am extremely proud of our campaign. We vastly outraised our opponents, knocked on hundreds of doors, and ran a well-organized campaign. On Election Day alone, we had 30 phone bankers, 10 challengers, and made 4,000 calls, one of our busiest GOTV operations in years. We certainly gave the Republicans a run for their money, and we have nothing to be ashamed of. While we certainly didn't do everything perfectly, the results were ultimately out of our hands. To be candid, turnout killed us.
Jim Gorman, Joyce Pratt, and Tom Schurtz, thank you for being such great candidates. The GPS team was one of the strongest Council slates we've had in a long time. While this campaign certainly had its ups and downs, the three of you did a tremendous job in an off-off-year election. I know you will continue to serve Galloway Township with pride and distinction.
To the countless volunteers and club members who sacrificed their time and energy, thank you. I particularly want to recognize (in no particular order): Stephanie and Jaime Sanchez, Elaine Rose, Doug Shiner, Bill Miles, Meg Worthington, Doug Browne, Rick Goldberg, Jerry Savell, Walt Pino, Shirley Young, Eleanor Derry, Madeline Avery, Sally Nunn, Sherri Parmenter, Eric Kipnis, Marco and Carmen Barrios, Maria Lozada-Low, Jim Hicks, Mary Cairns, Denise OMeara, Jerry Feehan, Colby Tippins, Elizabeth Egan, Marshall Spevak, Edna Maier, Bill DeCroce, Steve Dicht, Gary Gregory, John & Liz Rogale, and Mary Ann Kozack. My apologies if we are missing someone.
To those who financially supported our campaign, particularly our friends in organized labor, thank you for your help. Even local elections are very expensive, and your generosity helped us wage a professional campaign operation that garnered the envy of municipal organizations all across Atlantic County
Once again, thank you for your support. In the face of a disappointing loss, we can either cry "Woe is me" and give up, or we can dust ourselves off and continue the fight. I don't know about you, but I'm going with the latter.
Sincerely, Michael Suleiman President
Galloway-Port Republic Democratic Club
That's a shame because Jim Gorman did an excellent job.
That's a shame because Jim Gorman did an excellent job.
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