previously reported the Political Contributions received by Democratic Candidates for Council on June 9, 2013. At that time the Republican Council Candidates had not submitted their reports to the NJ Election Law Enforcement Commission in order to be reported on. has since reviewed the NJ ELEC reports online filed on June 24, 2013 by the Republican Council Candidates. Mayor Don Purdy tops the list of Republican candidates by receiving $16,749.00 in Political Contributions.
Frank Gargione was a far second with receiving $4,099 in contributions. Timothy Meadows Sr. brought in $1,313 and Robert Maldonado garnered $1,174 in contributions.
All candidates must report the individual contributions, if the contribution exceeds $300 in aggregate. The list of Political Contributions is listed below:
Mayor Don Purdy:
According to NJ ELEC report, Purdy received seven (7) contributions in excess of $300 which totaled $13,900. Purdy also received a total of $2,849.00 in contributions that were less than $300.
May 14, 2013 - $1,000 from Nick Menas
May 14, 2013 - $2,600 from Sahara Sand of Falls
May 14, 2013 - $2,400 from Lawrence Silvi
May 14, 2013 - $1,400 from Adams, Rehmann & Heggan Assoc.
June 3, 2013 - $2,500 from Marco Gomez Diaz
June 20, 2013 - $2,500 from Allgeyer Builders
June 20, 2013 - $1,500 from Rita Purdy
According to the NJ ELEC report filed, Purdy has since removed his money from his account. The description listed on the report is "Transfer Funds to General Election."
Frank Gargione:
According to NJ ELEC report, Gargione received seven (3) contributions in excess of $300. Gargione also received a total of $849.00 in contributions that were less than $300.
May 24, 2013 - $1,000 from Kenneth Calemmo
May 24, 2013 - $1,000 from Charles Pessagno
June 7, 2013 - $1,250 from Llyod Wimberg
Timothy Meadows Sr.:
According to NJ ELEC report, Meadows did not receive any contributions in excess of $300. Meadows received a total of $1,313 in contributions that were less than $300.
Robert Maldonado Sr.:
According to NJ ELEC report, Maldonado did not receive any contributions in excess of $300. Maldonado received a total of $1,174 in contributions that were less than $300.
Galloway Township Republican Candidates are running under the OneGalloway Slogan. Click here for their Facebook Page.
Galloway Township Republican Candidates are running under the OneGalloway Slogan. Click here for their Facebook Page.
When Purdy loses in November can the donators get their money back? What a waste, they should donated it to a charity.
$16,000....what are you running for Donnie, Assembly? Nope, tried that already when you took that from your buddy.
Is he trying to put another down payment on a Tow truck. How many you need man.
Purdy ruined Galloway. WHP motels are havens for drugs and prostitution. he layed off police and moral is at all time low. city hall employees hate working for Galloway as Purdy ruined every department. taxes are way up. he is personally responsible for tilton getting 500k and loan getting 250k. he lines is pockets and his friends pockets with contracts while Galloway suffers. whoever votes for him is a fool and a idiot. he should be in jail. he is a ignorant arrogant sad excuse for a human being.
I think our Mayor needs to start telling the truth on why he continues to divulge confidential information about employees. Seems like every time he wants one gone he releases information to embarrass them. He needs out of office now.
Tilton got 500k?
No, $250k
Candidates have the right to raise as much money as they want but $16,000 is excessive for a small municipal race. Purdy obviously has high expectations to go to higher office and will use this money to transfer to that office run. Either Vote Purdy out or let him go to another office far away from Galloway. We have had enough of his political games and user tactics.
I feel very sorry for other 3 republican candidates. they seem like good men. their reputations are being smeared by association with a self serving, sad excuse for a human being, piece of garbage .
Sounds like a bunch of Demos talkin !!!!
Why does it have to be democrats talking...?...What does that even mean. If you define yourself by one of these parties you are part of the problem. I have no respect for anyone who votes for a party candidate just because they are a die hard republican/democrat. You have got to be a fool to continue forward with that type of mindset.
There are plenty of individuals who have no business being in politics. Don Purdy is one of them and it has nothing to do with what side of the political tracks he is standing on but rather everything to do with his character, his actions and his integrity. It's those 3 dimensions that I and many others feel he has failed miserably and shown a side of himself that has even turned of many of his Republican supporters. The Piney politics, nepotistic favoritism and careless disregard for following proper protocols to protect taxpayer $ is not going to float in Galloway any longer. It's sites like this that JUST might keep them honest...embrace it.
Maybe Donnie can use the $16,000 towards his own legal defense fund. He may need it. LOLOLOLOL
I lean R. Purdys a disgrace to Rs. His hooterville buddy-giberson has been a parasite on Galloway and state of nj for decades. its hard for me to comprehend how levinson supports a bumpkin fraud like giberson.
Purdy should drop out NOW. he will lose in biggest landslide in histoy on nj municipal elections.
don't tell me about Christie coattails. everything Christie has done in his life is 4 personnel benefit of people named Christie. how can he sleep ? he has been a fat , walking heart attack 4 25 years. he loses weight to be president? what about for his health? what about to see his children grow up ? no, only to be president. what a fraud. and the republican elected officials, operatives and hacks defend him. "he stood up to unions" give me a break. state was broke. union membership has been declining for 30 years. he is a BULLY. he picks on defenseless union workers.
even moron price, dope Mitchell and psycho grey left Purdy. when does dr., mister, poohba, his excellence,jedi knight terrel jump ship. oh, that's right, he has no balls. he should be a freeloader, I mean freeholder. he would fight right in. deny runs free holders with iron fist. there nothing but lapdogs. hey coppola, close your door before a pair of balls walk in. they will die of loneliness around you. your a disgrace to Galloway. at least Purdy told stasuk to line your pockets. like u need it.
I think Hartman lost was the biggest landslide of municipal elections. Purdy's loss will be worse than that. LOLOLOLOL
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